A warm welcome to the Supply Chain Management Services Department. The Supply Chain Management Services Department is a support services department in the University of Nairobi serving the user departments in Central Administration and the eleven faculties of the University. The department has over 30 members of staff who are all professionals in procurement and are members of relevant professional bodies.
The role of the department is primarily two -fold:
- Acquisition of goods, works and services
- Disposal of obsolete, unserviceable or surplus stores
The department seeks to ensure that procurement/disposal proceedings in the University are carried out within the required timelines while strictly adhering to Article 227 of the Constitution of Kenya 2010; the Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Act 2015; Public Procurement& Asset Disposal Regulations 2020, Circulars issued by the National Treasury/Public Procurement Regulatory Authority and other relevant laws.
User departments have the responsibility of raising the requests and providing generic technical specifications. The requests which must be in the departmental procurement plans must be approved in writing by the Accounting Officer or by a person delegated. The request must also be submitted and approved online through the Electronic Procurement Management Information System (EPMIS) before procurement process can commence.
The department has the role of processing the approved procurements using the methods provided in the PPADA 2015, which include:
- Open Tender – preferred method
- Restricted Tendering if requirements of Section 103(2) are met
- Direct Procurement if the requirements of Section
- Request for Quotation- Threshold for goods- Kshs.3 million per quotation, Services- Kshs.3 million per quotation, Works- Kshs.5 million per quotation
- Low Value Method- Kshs.50,000 per item per year
- Request for Proposal
The following committees are key in the execution of procurement/disposal proceedings:
- Ad hoc Tender/Quotation Opening Committees
- Ad hoc Tender/Quotation Evaluation Committees
- Ad hoc Inspection and Acceptance Committees
- Ad hoc Disposal Committees
- Ad hoc Contract Implementation Committees
The Department provides the secretariat services for the committees.
The process of disposal is done using the under listed methods:
- Sale by Auction
- Sale by Tender
- Donation
- Transfer to another procuring entity
- Waste disposal
The department has also the responsibility of carrying out market surveys, registration of suppliers and issuance of procurement opportunities to the interested suppliers.
Dickson Lugonzo
Director SCMS, UoN